What is Geo-data Intelligence?

Geo-data Intelligence is a revolutionary digital platform that seamlessly integrates and cleans Geo-data from diverse data sources and provides instant, accurate insights and comprehensive visualizations. It is designed for professionals who work with Geo-data, such as geotechnical engineers, to:

  • Obtain instant and accurate insights from Geo-data
  • Streamline workflows from data collection to analysis
  • Make informed decisions quickly and efficiently
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How does it work?

  • Step 1.
    Collects and integrates data
    Geo-data Intelligence can process data from high-quality PDFs, handwritten and scanned documents, CSV, and AGS files.
  • Step 2.
    Clean and manage data
    The platform instantly cleans and manages the data, ensuring it’s ready for analysis.
  • Step 3.
    Analyze and visualize data
    Instant interpretation of data with built-in tools for modeling, visualizations, and charting.
  • Step 4.
    Intuitive interface simplifies the reporting process and supports the generation of comprehensive reports.
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Why Geo-data Intelligence?

  • Rapid Decision-Making
    Quick and informed decisions are critical, such as during the bidding phase or when unexpected site conditions arise.
  • Efficiency
    Create your reports up to 90% faster. Forget about time-consuming and labor-intensive traditional methods of data processing and analysis.
  • Risk Optimization
    Reduce uncertainties and risks to increase the success of your geotechnical projects.
  • High-Quality Reporting
    Experience detailed and accurate geotechnical interpretive reports, and you will never look back!
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